How to use your title

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CMX and CAC titles may only be used by certified titleholders and candidates as indicated in this guide.

If you passed Level 1 exam, you may only use the title:
CMX Candidate – Level 1
or CAC Candidate – Level 1

If you passed Level 2 exam, you may only use the title:
CMX Candidate – Level 2
or CAC Candidate – Level 2

If you passed Level 3 exam and on the experience requirement check, you are a CMX or CAC title holder

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Title to Use - CMX

CMX Candidate – Level 1

CMX Candidate – Level 2


Title to Use - CAC

CAC Candidate – Level 1

CAC Candidate – Level 2


In social media posts

Under Licenses & Certifications Section on LinkedIn


Headline on LinkedIn


Name on LinkedIn


Professional documents

After the Name on Business Cards or Email Signatures


After the Name on a CV


On a CV under a category like Education or Certificates


Only CMX and CAC titleholders, who are approved at CMX Level 3 exam and on the experience requirement check, can use the title "CMX" or "CAC" after their name.

Please make sure you have a proper read through this page as it shows how to add your qualification on your social media and on professional documents.

Spreading the Word on Social Media

Passing the exams are a great accomplishment. We encourage you to celebrate this professional milestone on social media. Highlighting that you have successfully passed the exam, and became a globally recognised titleholder or candidate, according to the level you passed.

Using the CMX or CAC designations on social networks will potentially accelerate your career and maximise your professional opportunities. Particularly on specialised platforms such as LinkedIn.

Please, see the instructions below on how to use your qualification correctly and cross-reference it adequately:

Title Issuer
The only institution to be mentioned or tagged into these posts is @EICOM Institute. As the issuer and host of the Commerce Certifications. Make sure to tag @EICOMInstitute when posting about the programmes.

Social Media Profile
If you passed on Level 3, you should make use of the CMX or CAC titles after your name on your profiles on career platforms or on your resume. If you do so please make sure you only use the title in compliance with our guidelines.


Licenses & Certifications

You can and your title under the Licenses & Certifications section on LinkedIn. To do that, you only have to click on the button "Add to my profile" on your digital credential page.

Linkedin form with the fields filled. Name: John. Last Name: Smith, CMXpop up window with the button Add to my Profile highlighted

All the information will be pre-filled for you. Just click "Save"and then, it's done!

LinkedIn PopUp window to add a license or certification with button Save highlighted


You can also add your title on the Headline of your LinkedIn, separating it from your Job Positioning, or other information you might have added on this field.

  • If you passed Level 1: Add “CMX Candidate – Level 1” or “CAC Candidate – Level 1”

  • If you passed Level 2: Add “CMX Candidate – Level 2” or “CAC Candidate – Level 2”

  • Add “CMX” or "CAC" if you passed Level 3

Linkedin form with Headline filled as "Head of Innovation | CMX"


(Level 3 titleholders only) You can add the "CMX" or "CAC" right after your last name, separated by a comma. For example: John Smith, CMX / John Smith, CAC

In case you hold both certifications, you can use both. of them after your name separated by comma. e.g.: John Smith, CMX , CAC

Linkedin form with the fields filled. Name: John. Last Name: Smith, CMX

Professional Documents

Business Cards and Email Signatures

(Level 3 titleholders only) You can add the "CMX" or "CAC" right after your full name, separated by a comma. For example:
John Smith, CMX
John Smith, CAC

In case you hold both certifications, you can use both. of them after your name separated by comma. e.g.: John Smith, CMX , CAC

Business Cards and Email Signatures

(CMX Level 3 only) You can add the CMX right after your full name, separated by a comma. For example:
John Smith, CMX


(Level 3 titleholders only) You can add the "CMX" or "CAC" right after your full name, separated by a comma. For example:
John Smith, CMX
John Smith, CAC

(All Levels) You can use the title that you have been approved for under the ‘Certifications section’ on your resume, as indicated below:

  • If you passed Level 1: Add “CMX Candidate – Level 1” or “CAC Candidate – Level 1”

  • If you passed Level 2: Add “CMX Candidate – Level 2” or “CAC Candidate – Level 2”

  • Add “CMX” or "CAC" if you passed Level 3