How can I make sure I receive the exam communications?

The most important communications of our exams are made by email. Through a quick and simple process called whitelisting, you'll tell your email provider that you want emails from Commerce Certifications to be allowed into your inbox rather than being filtered into spam.

How to Whitelist an Email in Gmail

The Gmail whitelist process can be done quickly through the web client:

  1. Click the settings button (in the top-right corner of the screen), then select “See all Settings” from the resulting drop-down menu.
  2. Navigate to the tab labeled “Filtered and Blocked Addresses” to access information about your existing filters.
  3. Select “Create a new filter” and enter the domain “”. This will tell Gmail to approve every message from EICOM sender.
  1. Click “Create filter” to approve the new filter
  2. Then mark “Never send it to Spam” and select "Categorize as: Primary" to whitelist every email within the filter.

Click "Create filter". You can also choose to Star our emails, apply a given label, or mark them as important.

How to Whitelist an Email in Outlook

You'll need to add the EICOM's domain to a group called “safe senders”. To add it to safe senders:

  1. Click on “Settings”, then “View all Outlook settings”.
  2. Go to “Mail”, then “Junk email”, then choose “Safe senders and domains” or “Safe mailing lists” .
  3. Enter the domain name "".
  4. Save

Alternatively, you can simply add the individual email address <> that has sent you a message to your Outlook Contacts.